Spiritual Gifts Survey

Introduction to Spiritual Gift Survey

What the Bible Says about Spiritual Gifts

  • Each believer is given at least one gift.
  • (1 Corinthians 12:7)
  • The Holy Spirit determines who receives which gifts.
  • (1 Corinthians 12:11)
  • Each gift is equally valuable. (1 Corinthians 12:21-26)
  • We are to use our gifts to serve others for the benefit of the body. (Romans 12:6-8; Ephesians 4:12)
  • We are commanded to use our gifts. (1 Peter 4:10)
  • Exercising our gifts will help us develop spiritual maturity. (Ephesians 4:13)

Assess yourself and possibly allow two other Christ-followers (spouse, family member or friend) to assess you.


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1. When I see something that needs to be done, I take initiative without being asked.
Least Like Most Like

2. When I hear about the lost, I am immediately prompted to pray.

Least Like Most Like

3. I enjoy helping people in need by sharing my resources with them.

Least Like Most Like

4. When circumstances seem to be spinning out of control, I am always confident that God is in control.

Least Like Most Like

5. I have the ability to explain biblical truth in such a way that it brings others to repentance.

Least Like Most Like

6. Friends often come to me for advice when they have an important decision to make.

Least Like Most Like

7. I find it gratifying to spend hours reading and studying.

Least Like Most Like

8. I enjoy meeting new people.

Least Like Most Like

9. I enjoy giving my time to meet a personal need of someone else.

Least Like Most Like

10. I have the ability to motivate others to take the next step in their spiritual journey.

Least Like Most Like

11. Friends say that I am loyal and available in their time of need.

Least Like Most Like

12. I enjoy seeing others realize their potential in Christ.

Least Like Most Like

13. I am keenly aware of my surroundings and I am usually not surprised when I hear new information.

Least Like Most Like

14. I prefer to communicate with facts based on understanding of scripture rather than on feelings.

Least Like Most Like

15. I enjoy helping others combine their talents to accomplish a common objective.

Least Like Most Like

16. I approach issues with a logical and methodical method of problem solving.

Least Like Most Like

17. I look for ways to accommodate others.

Least Like Most Like

18. I share the Gospel every chance I get.

Least Like Most Like

19. I often save money to help others who are less fortunate.

Least Like Most Like

20. My friends would describe me as down to earth and trusting.

Least Like Most Like

21. Sometimes I am so honest with others that I may offend them.

Least Like Most Like

22. I sometimes find it difficult to convince others that the consequences of their decision may be negative.

Least Like Most Like

23. I enjoy explaining new concepts and ideas to others.

Least Like Most Like

24. My home is open for friends to drop in.

Least Like Most Like

25. It is just as exciting for me to help others succeed as it is to work toward accomplishing a personal goal.

Least Like Most Like

26. I readily see positive qualities in people and enjoy affirming them.

Least Like Most Like

27. I empathize with others' feelings and pain.

Least Like Most Like

28. I have a difficult time telling people only what they want to hear.

Least Like Most Like

29. Friends come to me to process issues because I have the ability to see beyond the obvious.

Least Like Most Like

30. Friends say that I have the ability to rise above stressful situations and remain objective.

Least Like Most Like

31. I love pursuing new and visionary goals.

Least Like Most Like

32. The details necessary to accomplish a goal seem obvious to me.

Least Like Most Like

33. I love to contribute to ministry from behind the scenes and would rather not be recognized for my efforts.

Least Like Most Like

34. My friends say that I have a unique ability to channel conversations and talk to folks about Jesus.

Least Like Most Like

35. Friends say that I am generous.

Least Like Most Like

36. When I pray, I am assured that God hears me and I trust that His grace is sufficient for me.

Least Like Most Like

37. I prefer straightforward, direct communication and avoid conversational fluff.

Least Like Most Like

38. I have the ability to envision the ultimate outcome of today's plans and decisions.

Least Like Most Like

39. Friends often ask me to help them comprehend complex ideas.

Least Like Most Like

40. Friends say that I make people feel at home no matter where they are.

Least Like Most Like

41. I keep my calendar flexible so that I can be available to help others if something unforeseen happens.

Least Like Most Like

42. Friends often talk to me when they need support and encouragement.

Least Like Most Like

43. I have the ability to bring comfort to others in their darkest moments.

Least Like Most Like

44. Friends say that I have the ability to see gifts and abilities in others.

Least Like Most Like

45. I read non-verbal communication, body language and facial expressions well.

Least Like Most Like

46. I regularly share information with others about life issues which reveal God's faithfulness.

Least Like Most Like

47. Friends say I have the ability to sort through information and come to a decision that considers everyone's needs.

Least Like Most Like

48. Time-management is one of my strengths.

Least Like Most Like

49. I am not selective about which tasks I am assigned, as long as I am helping, that's all that matters.

Least Like Most Like

50. It saddens me deeply to hear that people have never heard the Gospel.

Least Like Most Like

51. I live a simple lifestyle as an example for others to use their resources wisely.

Least Like Most Like

52. People who know me well would say that my devotion to God allows me to accept any situation.

Least Like Most Like

53. I say things out loud that others are thinking but are afraid to say.

Least Like Most Like

54. Friends tell me that I have insight into situations that most people don't recognize.

Least Like Most Like

55. I have the ability to break down complicated processes into simple steps.

Least Like Always

56. I often greet people I don't know with a friendly "hello" and a smile.

Least Like Most Like

57. Friends describe me as compassionate and understanding.

Least Like Most Like

58. Sometimes I seem insincere to people because I am so positive.

Least Like Most Like

59. I try to go the extra mile to keep peace and harmony in relationships.

Least Like Most Like

60. I am motivated to protect others and help them avoid choices that will detract from their spiritual growth.

Least Like Most Like

61. I have the ability to determine if spiritual activity is from the Holy Spirit or from demonic influence.

Least Like Always

62. I have the ability to provide personal guidance that is founded in principles from God's Word.

Least Like Most Like

63. I naturally look at challenges from a big picture perspective.

Least Like Most Like

64. Sometimes I am too analytical and think too much.

Least Like Most Like

65. Friends say that I am faithful to follow through on my commitments.

Least Like Most Like

66. I regularly pray for people in my circle of influence who do not know Christ.

Least Like Most Like

67. I look for opportunities to give financially to the church over and above my usual tithes and offerings.

Least Like Most Like

68. I rarely worry about circumstances because I know that God has everything taken care of.

Least Like Most Like

69. I have the ability to discuss spiritual principles with others so that they examine their spiritual lives.

Least Like Most Like

70. Issues that seem clear to me are often confusing to others.

Least Like Most Like

71. I find it easy to explain ideas in a variety of creative ways so that they are easily understood by others.

Least Like Most Like

72. When I grocery shop I often purchase extra food for a spur of the moment get together.

Least Like Most Like

73. I am perceptive to the needs of others and find joy in serving.

Least Like Most Like

74. I look for ways to help others realize their unique abilities.

Least Like Most Like

75. I enjoy ministering to those who are physically, mentally or emotionally challenged.

Least Like Most Like

76. I enjoy preparing and equipping others for ministry opportunities.

Least Like Most Like

77. I readily identify false doctrinal statements.

Least Like Most Like

78. I often draw from my personal experiences as a Christ-follower to guide others in their spiritual journey.

Least Like Most Like

79. I delegate important tasks to others who are able to contribute to the success of the mission.

Least Like Most Like

80. I have the ability to organize people and resources to efficiently accomplish an objective.

Least Like Most Like

Spiritual Gifts Assessment Results

After you click the "Calculate" button, you will see a number by each spiritual gift. The highest scoring areas represent personal aptitude for gift-driven ministry.

Service: 0 Prophesy: 0 Helps: 0 Discernment: 0
Evangelism: 0 Wisdom: 0 Encouragement: 0 Knowledge: 0
Giving: 0 Teaching: 0 Mercy: 0 Leadership: 0
Faith: 0 Hospitality: 0 Shepherding: 0 Administration: 0


Below you will see the definition of your spiritual gift, Bible references that talk about this spiritual gift, and also suggestions on how you can use your spiritual gift to serve the Lord and bless His church.  

Take note of the top two or three spiritual gifts in which you scored highly. Pastor Adam and our other church leaders are available to help you grow by using your gifts for the Lord.


The gift of prophecy is defined as verbally proclaiming biblical truths by the Spirit of God that aligns with the Word of God which brings encouragement or conviction in such a way that hearers must do something about it (1 Cor. 12:8). People who have this gift are used to reveal the vision and heart of God to and for the people of God to follow and engage in. They also need to be aware of the tendency that if this gift is not tempered with humility one can become self-important and become an example of speaking the truth without love.


The gift of teaching is defined as the ability to explain biblical principles so that others understand and can apply them God's timeless Word to their lives (1 Cor. 12:28). People who have this gift makes others want to study, read, and mediate on God's Word more because as they help others to see God's Word is a must for them to know and live by its authority. They also need to be aware of the tendency that if they are not in the Word and prayer continually they will be just going through the motions and teaching will just become a duty.


The gift of helps is defined as the ability to perceive the needs of others and act with a joyful heart to meet those needs even if it requires personal sacrifice (I Cor. 12:28). People with this gift help increase the effectiveness of how God has created them to glorify Him by making disciples of all people groups. They also need to be aware of the tendency to find their worth and significance in others.


The gift of administration is defined as the ability to utilize people, resources, and time to effectively and efficiently accomplish ministry objectives (1 Cor. 12:28). People with this gift knows how to put things in order and keep them in order so that God's vision continues to be accomplished. They also need to be aware of the tendency to put relationships on the back burner and overly focuses on the steps and not the big picture.


The gift of wisdom is defined as the ability to offer wise and knowledgeable counsel based on biblical truth in a variety of situations (1 Cor. 12:8). People with this gift have incredible spiritual insight in helping people make wise decisions in light of one's past, current responsibilities, and future hopes and dreams seem obvious. They also need to be aware of the tendency to confuse their own insight with God's insight when they are feeling insecure.


The gift of knowledge is defined as a deep sensitivity to the gleaning of wisdom from life lessons and the ability to articulate this knowledge to the growth and well-being of a person, family, or a body of believers at the right time (1 Cor. 12:8). People with this gift can see a complicated situation and understand with Holy Spirit illumination what biblical truth applies to the situation to give clarity. They also need to be aware of the tendency to use this gift to draw attention to themselves and believe they always have the answers and therefore lose sight of the over-arching purpose of all spiritual gifts which is to build people up in the faith.


The gift of faith is defined as complete confidence and assurance that God accomplishes the best outcomes with the best methods in spite of the circumstances (1 Cor. 12:9). People with this gift actively encourage other Christians to realize the promises of God. They also need to be aware of the tendency to look down or grow impatient with those who don't see what they see.


The gift of discernment is defined as the ability to determine whether an influence or a truth originated from the Holy Spirit, the devil, or just our selfish nature (1 Cor. 12:10). People who have this gift have a deep love for God's One Church and so they do not want to see disunity, confusion, or false teaching penetrate the Church. They also need to be aware of the tendency that they can become self-appointed truth-finders.


The gift of evangelism is defined as the ability to redirect conversations and discussions to emphasize and reveal a clear picture of the God's glorious and beautiful message which calls the hearer to understand God's grace is a gift that cannot be earned and yet at the same time one has to embrace Jesus' costly terms to follow Him in order to become a Christian (Ephesians 4:11) People who have this gift are quite often fearless and ready to take on difficult situations to share Jesus. They also need to be aware of the tendency to view other aspects of ministry as a less important or forget the heart of evangelism is relying on the Holy Spirit to direct their questions and conversations instead of going through a formula type of evangelism.


The gift of pastor/shepherd is defined as the ability to nurture, encourage, and empower others to be fully surrendered to the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives as they are being transformed into the image of Christ (Ephesians 4:11). People who have this gift have the God-given ability to care, protect, and lead people to their ultimate and perfect pastor/shepherd -- Jesus Christ. They also need to be aware of the tendency to try to make everyone happy or to take advantage of people's trust.


The gift of service is defined as the ability to cheerfully sacrifice time and make a personal investment which honors the needs, desires and goals of others that is related in a task to God's work (Romans 12:7). People with this gift are eager to do whatever needs to be done and can usually see what that is. They also need to be aware of the tendency that they can become so busy with serving that they forget about the people whom they are serving.


The gift of encouragement/exhortation is defined as the ability to offer words of encouragement and challenges from God's Word so that others can see and fulfill God's vision to glorify Him by making disciples of all people groups, to know the fullness of God's love that He has for them, and to continue to pursue spiritual transformation(Romans 12:8). People who have this gift constantly wonder about what does God want to say to another person through me? They also need to be aware of the tendency to get discouraged if they do not receive any feedback to the words they shared.


The gift of giving is defined as the supernatural ability to give joyfully and sacrificially to meet the needs of others all-the-while living simply so that their local and global neighbors can simply live (Romans 12:8). People with this gift rarely thinks about what the money given away might do for themselves. They also need to be aware of the tendency to control people, churches, and ministries through the use of the money God has given to them.


The gift of leadership is defined as the ability to cast vision, effectively communicate, and unify the diverse gifts of others to accomplish a common purpose for the glory of God (Romans 12:8). People with this gift see what could be in God's kingdom fueled by the conviction it should be. They also need to be aware of the tendency of trying to lead alone.


The gift of mercy is defined as the ability to empathize with the pain, struggles and suffering of others while comforting them with kindness, patience and love of God (Romans 12:8). People who have this gift are drawn to people's hurts and desire to walk with them through their pain. They also need to be aware of the tendency to downplay or ignore what truly needs to change in a person and that consequences are great teachers of life lessons.


The gift of hospitality is defined as the ability to make others feel welcome (Romans 12:13). This gift is often combined with such natural talents like cooking, event planning, and interior design. People who have this gift view their home as a place of ministry and enjoy inviting people over. God has enabled them a longing to share their home, personal space and resources without communicating a need of performance or an expectation of anything in return. They also need to be aware of the tendency to that being hospitable is behind the scenes and they actually want to hide behind the scenes.